- Gear Guides

Cordova may have been born and bred in Alaska but we have grown strong routes out here in the West. Beyond the high desert sage, miles of uninterrupted ranch land, and untouched wilderness, the American West embodies a rugged lifestyle and distinctive set of values. The rodeo is a tradition that epitomizes this way of life and Cordova is proud to sponsor the 98th annual Caldwell Night Rodeo. We also honor that heritage with the new Western Roots Collection and a line of custom gear that feels right at home on the range.
The Caldwell Night Rodeo is just about the biggest single event in Canyon County, Idaho and it ranks within the top 10 professional outdoor rodeos in the nation. Over 600 of the top cowboys and cowgirls, along with 45,000 fans, come together in this small western town to ride, wrestle, rope, and race their way to adrenaline-fueled glory. This year’s rodeo takes place August 16th - 20th, so if you’re in the area, don’t miss out!
The CNR is just a good ol’ fashioned fun time for the whole family. Cordova wants to make this year’s rodeo extra special, so we’re offering up three new custom wraps for our Basecamp Class hard coolers. Browse the cool new designs here [insert link] and get pumped for a week of western thrills, spills, and well, chills – thanks to Cordova’s incredible cooling power and long-lasting ice retention.
If you’re heading out here to western Idaho and really want to get into the spirit, Cordova has a premium stock of cattle of its own. Yes, you can even lasso yourself a robust 88 qt hard cooler by the horns! Check out the Steer Head Cooler Bundle that includes a custom cowhide wrap and an actual steer head roping dummy. It’s not just a cute add-on, real cowboys use this head to practice their roping skills. What is cute though, is that the cowhide pattern comes in a bull or heifer print.
This western lifestyle suits us fine and we want to do right by the folks in this county that we proudly serve and employ. This is the home of Cordova Country after all. Before you head on out to the CNR, take a peek under the lid and find out which cooling solution works for you and your herd. From longnecks to juice boxes, Cordova has the refreshments covered.